Boston Pen People is an informal group of pen and writing enthusiasts who meet six times a year in the Greater Boston area to ...

  1. -Show collections and recent acquisitions

  2. -Talk about all aspects of pens, inks, paper, and any other related subject

  3. -Try out pens and inks

  4. -Workshops on repair, calligraphy, etc.

  5. -Enjoy each other’s company

We range widely in interests and level of knowledge - from rank beginners to acknowledged experts. Some like vintage; some like modern. Some have very focused collections while others acquire whatever pens strike their fancy. Some find the technologies behind pens interesting, while others are interested in the historical aspects. What we all share is a deep appreciation for pens and writing culture.

Membership in Boston Pen People is easy - just show up to a meeting and add your email address to the ongoing master list.


Boston Pen People


For news and updates to the Web site, check out the News page